
首页> 数字期刊群 >本期导读>抗菌金属材料抗菌性能检测方法研究


783    2016-06-02



作者:叶德萍, 周李华, 王智, 马丽侠, 谭和平

作者单位:中国测试技术研究院, 四川 成都 610021



为建立检测抗菌金属材料的抗菌性能的方法。分别用ASTM E2149-13a法和ISO 221962011法对抗菌金属的抗菌性能和适用性进行比对研究,得出这两种方法都不太适合抗菌金属材料的抗菌性能检测。提出适宜于抗菌金属及其制品的抗菌性能检测方法:采用贴膜法,抗菌金属材料与菌液的作用时间为2 h。经实验证明:该方法重复性好、再现性佳,3种不同抗菌剂处理的金属材料抗菌率,其重复性分别为5.5%、5.6%和2.5%,同种抗菌剂处理的金属材料抗菌率的再现性为5.5%,说明该方法能应用于抗菌金属及相关材料抗菌性能检测。

Study on detection method of antibacterial properties of antibacterial metallic materials

YE Deping, ZHOU Lihua, WANG Zhi, MA Lixia, TAN Heping

National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu 610021, China

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to design a detection method for antibacterial properties of antibacterial metallic materials. The antibacterial properties were detected and the applicability thereof was comparatively studied with both the ASTM E2149-13a and ISO 22196——2011 methods. The outcome suggests that the two methods were unsuitable for testing the antibacterial properties of antibacterial metallic materials. Then, a scientific and reasonable detection method was put forward. First, the antibacterial metallic materials and bacterial liquid were mixed with the sticking membrane method to react for 2 hours. It is proved from the test results that this method is stable and highly reproductive. The repeatability of the antibacterial rates of metallic materials treated by three different kinds of antibacterial agents is 5.5%, 5.6% and 2.5% respectively.The reproducibility of the same kind of antibacterial agent is 5.5%. It suggests that the proposed method can be used to detect the antibacterial properties of antibacterial metal and related materials.

Keywords: antibacterial property;metal;detection method;antibacterial materials

2016, 42(5): 66-69  收稿日期: 2016-02-03;收到修改稿日期: 2016-03-13

基金项目: 2015国家科技支撑计划项目(2015BAK45B00,2015BAK45B01)

作者简介: 叶德萍(1983-),女,四川盐源县人,助理研究员,主要从事微生物研究。


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