
首页> 数字期刊群 >本期导读>高锰酸盐指数消解条件的数学模型研究


679    2022-12-10



作者:李亚琴1, 翟世明1, 范力2, 陈燕梅2, 陈皓1, 屈秋1

作者单位:1. 四川省成都生态环境监测中心站,四川 成都 610000;
2. 四川省生态环境监测总站,四川 成都 610000



建立高锰酸盐指数消解温度与消解时间的数学模型,解决中高海拔地区测定值偏低的问题。对高锰酸盐指数消解方式、消解条件进行研究和优化,探究以电加热法提升高锰酸盐指数测定效率的方案。考察不同消解时间下的消解率,以及温度对消解率的影响,确定不同消解温度下相对应的消解时间,参考阿仑尼乌斯(Arrhenius)公式,推导出通过消解温度计算消解时间的数学模型,相关系数为0.9998。以实际样品验证数学模型,验证实验测定值与国标法测定值相对误差在±2.1%内。以康定市(海拔2860 m)为验证地,验证数学模型符合国标法的要求。使用COD回流消解仪(电加热)消解可缩短约53%的消解时间,标准样品测定值相对误差均在±3.6%以内。

Research on mathematical model of digestion conditions of permanganate index
LI Yaqin1, ZHAI Shiming1, FAN Li2, CHEN Yanmei2, CHEN Hao1, QU Qiu1
1. Chengdu Ecological Environment Monitoring Center Station, Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610000, China;
2. Sichuan Ecological Environment Monitoring Center, Chengdu 610000, China
Abstract: To solve the problem that permanganate index is measured imprecisely low in middle-high altitude areas, a mathematical model for digestion temperature and digestion time of permanganate index is established. The digestion method and conditions of permanganate index is studied and optimized, while the method to improve the efficiency of determining permanganate index by using electric heating is studied. Studying the digestion rate under different digestion time and the effect of temperature on digestion rate helps to determine the relationship between digestion temperature and digestion time. Base on Arrhenius equation, a mathematical model is derived, which helps to calculate digestion time by using digestion temperature, and the correlation coefficient is 0.9998. Using practical samples to verify the mathematical model,and the relative error between the determined value of verification experiment and the national standard method is within ± 2.1%. Using Kangding City(altitude: 2860 m)as an example, the mathematical model is verified to meet the requirements of the national standard method. The digestion time can be shortened by about 53 %, and the relative error of standard sample is within ± 3.6 % by using COD reflux digestion instrument ( electric heating ).
Keywords: permanganate index;mathematical model;digestion temperature;digestion time;middle-high altitude
2022, 48(11):82-87  收稿日期: 2021-07-06;收到修改稿日期: 2021-10-25
作者简介: 李亚琴(1990-),女,四川成都市人,工程师,研究方向为环境监测
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