
首页> 数字期刊群 >本期导读>医用硬性内窥镜光学性能质控检测技术研究


991    2016-01-16



作者:蒋昌松1,2, 姬军2, 黄增跃1,2, 肖宏2, 王云龙1,2

作者单位:1. 南方医科大学研究生学院, 广东 广州 510515;
2. 解放军第305医院医学工程科, 北京 10001

关键词:医用硬性内窥镜; 质量控制; 光学性能; 机器视觉


为客观、定量地评价医用硬性内窥镜的光学性能,根据国内外相关检测检验标准,设计由高清CMOS图像传感器、精密机械装置、测试标靶组成的检测装备,编写Matlab程序对采集到的标靶图像进行自动分析和处理,实现基于机器视觉的检测医用硬性内窥镜角度、分辨率、几何畸变、色彩还原能力、光效、照明等光学参数的设备、方法和技术。对德国蛇牌PE 610 A型腹腔镜的测试结果表明:与厂家标称值和国家食品药品监督管理局测试结果符合良好,误差小于4%,其误差主要来源于图像传感器的无照电流。

Research on quality control technology of optical properties for medical rigid endoscopes

JIANG Chang-song1,2, JI Jun2, HUANG Zeng-yue1,2, XIAO Hong2, WANG Yun-long1,2

1. Graduate School of Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China;
2. Department of Biomedical Engineering of PLA 305 Hospital, Beijing 100017, China

Abstract: To evaluate the optical quality of medical rigid endoscope objectively and quantitatively, the authors designed the equipment consisting of HD CMOS image sensor, precision machinery, and test targets according to all the important and related inspection standards, and write Matlab program to make it analyze and process images automatically. Based on machine vision, the research realizes the instrument,method and technology to evaluate parameters of angle, resolution, distortion, color restoration ability, brightness uniformity, illumination of medical rigid endoscopy. The test results of a laparoscope of the snake brand PE 610 A are well matched with the nominal value of manufacturer and those of SFDA, the errors are less than 4% and mainly come from the dark current of COMS image sensor.

Keywords: medical rigid endoscope; quality control; optical property; machine vision

2013, 39(2): 24-26,37  收稿日期: 2012-6-9;收到修改稿日期: 2012-7-30

基金项目: 军事医学计量科研专项(2011-JL2-027)解放军第305医院科研基金项目(12YA2)

作者简介: 蒋昌松(1987-),男,重庆市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为医疗设备计量与质量控制检测技术。


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