
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>高速数字电路中信号反射的分析及解决方案


831    2016-01-23



作者:毕明, 陈光, 谢永乐

作者单位:电子科技大学自动化工程学院, 四川成都 610054

关键词:高速; 信号完整性; 反射; Hyperlynx; 仿真


随着微电子技术的不断发展,在数字系统设计中系统工作频率不断增加,高速器件的使用越来越广泛。对信号进行完整性分析已经成为高速数字电路设计中的一个必要环节。针对高速数字电路设计存在的信号完整性反射噪声问题,首先从理论上分析了信号反射产生的原因及解决方法,然后以高速数字测试模块为例,利用Mentor Graphics公司的Hyperlynx软件进行仿真验证,以达到在设计阶段消除反射噪声的目的。

Analysis and resolution of signal reflection in high speed digital circuit

BI Ming, CHEN Guang-ju, XIE Yong-le

School of Automation Engineering, University of Electronics Science and Technology, Chengdu 610054, China

Abstract: With development of microelectronics and increase of working frequency of digital system. High speed devices have being used broadly. It is necessary to analysis signal integrity in designing high-speed digital circuit. This article discuss one of problems of signal integrity in designing high-speed digital cricuit-reflection noise. First,the article analysis the original of signal reflection and how to resolve it in theory,then proved it through simulation using Hyperlynx of Mentor Graphics corporation,in order to eliminate reflection noise in design phase.

Keywords: High-speed; Signal integrity; Reflection; Hyperlynx; Simulation

2007, 33(1): 99-101  收稿日期: 2006-7-18;收到修改稿日期: 2006-9-25




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