
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于用电与环保指标对比学习的企业排污量动态监测方法


909    2022-10-26



作者:梁小姣1, 马春玲1, 马传国1, 辛少菲1, 程林2, 史玉良2,3

作者单位:1. 国网山东省电力公司东营供电公司,山东 东营 257100;
2. 山东大学软件学院,山东 济南 250101;
3. 山大地纬软件股份有限公司,山东 济南 250200




Dynamic monitoring method of pollutant discharge of enterprises based on contrastive learning of power and environmental protection indicators
LIANG Xiaojiao1, MA Chunling1, MA Chuanguo1, XIN Shaofei1, CHENG Lin2, SHI Yuliang2,3
1. State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Dongying Power Supply Company, Dongying 257100, China;
2. School of Software, Shandong University, Jinan 250101, China;
3. Shanda Dareway Software Co., Ltd., Jinan 250200, China
Abstract: In the context of energy transition, efficient and accurate environmental monitoring is a prerequisite for green industrial development. The paper conducts a study on the correlation mapping of enterprise electricity consumption data and environmental protection data, aiming to provide exploration ideas for the digital transformation development of environmental protection monitoring. First, the correlation mapping between the electricity consumption data and the environmental protection data distribution law is realized through contrastive learning, so as to obtain the Encoder data of pollution discharge prediction based on the electricity consumption data.Then, combined with similar sample means, GAN algorithm was used to build pollutant discharge prediction model of enterprises, and by Wasserstein distance to construct the loss function to improve the quality of the generated pollutant discharge prediction data. Finally, the model parameters are fine-tuned based on MPC, which ensures the stability and trend consistency of the generated data. Experiments show that this method can generate enterprise sewage data that conforms to the actual situation according to the electricity load.
Keywords: electricity load;environmental protection data;contrastive learning;GAN algorithm;model predictive control
2022, 48(10):117-124,144  收稿日期: 2022-05-10;收到修改稿日期: 2022-07-18
基金项目: 山东省重点研发计划(重大科技创新工程)项目(2021 CXGC010103)
作者简介: 梁小姣(1980-),男,山东荣成市人,高级工程师,研究方向为电力数据应用
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