
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>固相萃取-气质联用测定黄瓜中62种农药残留


1182    2022-09-24



作者:张瑶1, 马桂娟1, 高琳1, 王紫昕1, 吴龙国2

作者单位:1. 宁夏食品检测研究院(国家市场监管重点实验室(枸杞和葡萄酒质量安全)),宁夏 银川 750021;
2. 宁夏大学,宁夏 银川 750021




Determination of 62 pesticide residues in cucumber by GC-MS combined with solid phase extraction technology
ZHANG Yao1, MA Guijuan1, GAO Lin1, WANG Zixin1, WU Longguo2
1. Ningxia Food Testing and Research Institute (Key Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Wolfberry and Wine for State Administration For Market Regulation), Yinchuan 750021, China;
2. Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China
Abstract: In this paper, a method for simultaneous determination of 62 pesticide residues in cucumber by gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry combined with solid phase extraction was established. After extraction, the samples were purified by ENvi-18 column, ENvi-Carb column and SEP-PAK column, and the concentrated nitrogen was blown nearly dry. After volume determination of n-hexane, the samples were determined by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry and quantified by external standard method. The linear range of 62 pesticides in the substrate was good, and the detection limit reached the current pesticide residue limit standard in China.The recovery rate and RSD of the samples were measured at three additive levels. The recoveries of most pesticide compounds were between 60.0% and 120.0%, and the relative standard deviation was between 1.5% and 15.3%. The method is accurate, efficient, sensitive, and has good purification effect. It can be used as a reference for the detection of target compounds in cucumber. which can meet the actual needs of general laboratory testing, and also provides a method for the detection of pesticide residues in other fruits and vegetables.
Keywords: solid phase extraction technology;gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry;cucumber;pesticide residues
2022, 48(9):63-70  收稿日期: 2021-08-08;收到修改稿日期: 2021-10-26
基金项目: 宁夏青年科技人才托举工程(TJGC2021075)
作者简介: 张瑶(1989-),女,宁夏银川市人,工程师,硕士,主要从事食品检测方向
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