
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>提高供热机组的调峰灵活性研究


1391    2022-07-27



作者:郭良丹1, 谭锐1, 林宝森2, 殷戈1, 伍仁杰1, 蒋国安1, 柯展煌2, 严晓生2

作者单位:1. 国能南京电力试验研究有限公司,江苏 南京 210046;
2. 国能(泉州)热电有限公司,福建 泉州 362804




Study on improving peak-shaving flexibility of cogeneration units by using heat storage
GUO Liangdan1, TAN Rui1, LIN Baosen2, YIN Ge1, WU Renjie1, JIANG Guoan1, KE Zhanhuang2, YAN Xiaosheng2
1. Guo Neng Nanjing Electric Power Test and Research Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210046, China;
2. Guo Neng (Quanzhou) Thermal Power Co., Ltd., Quanzhou 362804, China
Abstract: In recent years, the rapid development of new energy, such as wind energy and solar energy, has participated in grid-connected on a large scale, but because of its own unstable characteristics, the security of grid regulation and operation has been reduced. In order to improve the security of the power grid, the method to solve the problem from the source side is proposed, that is, to improve the peak shaving flexibility of heating units, and to couple the hot water storage tank in the heat supply network to realize the water side linkage. And two modes of heat storage regulation are put forward, which are partial heating load mode provided by heat storage tank and full heating load mode provided by heat storage tank. In order to determine the optimal heat storage regulation mode, based on the simulation model established by Ebsilon software, the peak shaving range, heat release speed and thermal economy of the two heat storage regulation modes were compared and analyzed. The results show that: from the perspective of heat release, the average heat release rate of the heat storage tank in the full heating load mode provided by heat storage tank is higher than that in the partial heating load mode provided by heat storage tank, but the setting requirement of the heat storage tank in the full heating load mode provided by heat storage tank is higher. From the perspective of thermal economy, under the same load the full heating load mode provided by heat storage tank has lower equivalent coal consumption and better thermal economy. Therefore, the full heating load mode is better than the partial heating load mode.
Keywords: heat storage;peak shaving;regulation modes;simulation calculation
2022, 48(7):16-22  收稿日期: 2021-04-07;收到修改稿日期: 2021-06-06
基金项目: 国家能源集团公司科技项目(GJNY-19-171)
作者简介: 郭良丹(1993-),女,山东菏泽市人,工程师,主要研究方向提高供热机组调峰能力研究
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