
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>风电偏航齿轮有限元分析


1122    2022-05-25



作者:郭丽红, 李三雁, 胡华焱

作者单位:成都锦城学院,四川 成都 611731



为提高MW级风电机组偏航轴承的可靠性,以偏航轴承齿轮为主要研究对象,通过三维实体建模,利用有限元分析软件对偏航轴承齿轮进行静载荷、模态和谐响应分析,得到在静载荷作用下的弯曲应力应变云图、前10阶模态振型图以及位移-速度-加速度频率曲线;仿真结果表明,偏航轴承齿轮的最大变形量和振动发生在第8阶模态频率2140.6 Hz附近,因此在偏航齿轮设计过程中应尽可能避开该频率,防止偏航轴承在运行时发生共振。

Finite element analysis for gear of wind turbine yaw bearing
GUO Lihong, LI Sanyan, HU Huayan
Chengdu Jincheng College, Chengdu 611731, China
Abstract: In order to improve the reliability of the yaw bearing gear teeth of MW-class wind turbine. A research of the yaw bearing gear is presented. A 3D model of yaw bearing gear is built and finite element analysis software is taken to simulate static load analysis, modal analysis and harmonious response analysis. The stress distributing and strain distributing under static load, the tenth modal figure and curve of displacement-velocity-acceleration frequency are obtained. Analysis shows that the maximum deformation and vibration of the yaw bearing gear occur at the eighth mode frequency of 2140.6 Hz. Therefore, the frequency shall be avoided as far as possible to prevent the resonance during design process.

Keywords: wind turbine;yaw bearing;gear;finite element analysis
2022, 48(5):156-162  收稿日期: 2022-01-08;收到修改稿日期: 2022-02-26
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