
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于KL-CEEMD的风机传动系统故障诊断方法研究


1063    2022-05-25



作者:韩中合, 赵文波, 朱霄珣, 李震涛

作者单位:华北电力大学动力工程系,河北 保定 071003



互补集合平均经验模态分解(complementary ensemble empirical model decomposition,CEEMD)作为一种时频特征分析方法,可以较好地提取复杂非线性非平稳信号的故障特征,但其存在虚假分量,很大程度限制诊断过程中的准确性。针对该问题,提出一种基于KL散度(Kullback-Leibler divergence, KLD)的CEEMD虚假分量识别方法(KL-CEEMD)。该方法在原有CEEMD方法基础之上,进一步计算各分量IMF与原信号之间的KL散度值,从而量化各分量与原信号之间的相关性。最后通过对各个IMF的KL散度值进行聚类分析,找出虚假分量和真实分量,最终解决CEEMD的虚假分量问题。为验证KL-CEEMD的有效性,研究搭建风力机传动系统振动试验台,基于该方法对实验台实验数据以及仿真数据进行验证性研究,最终证明所提方法可以很好改善CEEMD的虚假分量问题,能够有效提取出故障信号的真实特性。

Research on fault diagnosis method of fan drive system based on KL-CEEMD
HAN Zhonghe, ZHAO Wenbo, ZHU Xiaoxun, LI Zhentao
Department of Power Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China
Abstract: As a time-frequency feature analysis method, complementary ensemble empirical model decomposition (CEEMD) distinguishes the fault features of complex nonlinear non-stationary signals effectively. However, the problem of false components limit the accuracy of diagnosis process. In response to it, a CEEMD false component recognition method (KL-CEEMD) based on KL divergence is proposed, which precisely calculates the KL divergence value between the IMF and the original signal based on the original CEEMD method. Finally the the problem of false component of CEEMD is solved through clustering analysis of the KL divergence values of each IMF and distinguishing the false and true component. In order to verify the effectiveness of KL-CEEMD, a wind turbine transmission system vibration test bench is built. Based on the KL-CEEMD method, the experimental data and simulation data of the experimental platform are verified and researched. It is finally proved that the KL-CEEMD method improves the false component problem of CEEMD and effectively extracts the true characteristics of fault signal.
Keywords: fan drive system vibration signal;false component;complementary ensemble empirical model decomposition;Kullback-Leibler divergence
2022, 48(5):88-95,101  收稿日期: 2021-04-13;收到修改稿日期: 2021-05-31
基金项目: 河北省自然科学基金(E2019502080)
作者简介: 韩中合(1964-),男,河北衡水市人,教授,博士,研究方向为设备状态监测与故障诊断和两相流计算与测量
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