
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于深度并行CNN-BiLSTM的能源互联网电负荷和热负荷联合预测模型


1042    2022-04-26



作者:廖清阳1, 王军1, 胡凯强2, 宋尧1, 宗志亚1, 范俊秋1

作者单位:1. 贵州电网有限责任公司贵安供电局,贵州 贵安 550025;
2. 华南理工大学,广东 广州 510599




Joint forecasting model of electrical load and thermal load based on deep parallel CNN-BiLSTM in energy internet
LIAO Qingyang1, WANG Jun1, HU Kaiqiang2, SONG Yao1, ZONG Zhiya1, FAN Junqiu1
1. GuiAn Power Supply Bureau of Guizhou Power Grid Co., Ltd., Guian 550025,China;
2. South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510599,China
Abstract: In order to improve the power and heat load forecasting ability and adapt to the multi energy interconnection state of the energy internet, a deep-seated electric and thermal load forecasting model composed of bidirectional long-term memory network and parallel convolution neural sub network is designed to capture the strong dependence, multi-dimensional and sampled characteristic information of electric and thermal load. The simulation results show that the average percentage of comprehensive load error of the joint forecasting model was about 3% lower than that of the serial network model. The average percentage of the comprehensive load error of the joint forecasting model was about 3% lower than that of the single load forecasting model, and its training time and prediction time are about half of that of the single load forecasting model. Compared with RNN-Net, LSTM-Net, CNN-Net and Shi-Net in the same field, the average error percentage of electric load, heat load and comprehensive load in this model was the lowest, which are 0.0315, 0.0301 and 0.0311, respectively. It shows that compared with the serial network, the parallel network of this model is advantageous to capture the multi-level load characteristics. Compared with the single load forecasting mode, its joint forecasting mode can capture the interconnection information of electric and thermal loads with higher efficiency. The model has better joint forecasting performance of electric and thermal loads, and is suitable for joint forecasting tasks of electric and thermal loads.
Keywords: electrical load;thermal load;joint forecasting ;convolution neural network;bidirectional long short term memory network
2022, 48(4):146-153  收稿日期: 2020-08-20;收到修改稿日期: 2020-11-20
基金项目: 贵州电网有限责任公司科技项目(061000KK52180003)
作者简介: 廖清阳(1984-),男,贵州贵安人,高级工程师,主要研究方向为电力系统保护与控制
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