
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>数字剪切散斑干涉玻璃幕墙缺陷无损检测


989    2022-04-26



作者:王单单1, 高岩2, 李伟仙1, 苏展2, 吴思进1

作者单位:1. 北京信息科技大学仪器科学与光电工程学院,北京 100192;
2. 河南省自动化工程技术研究中心,河南 郑州 450008




Digital shearing speckle pattern interference non-destructive testing of glass curtain wall defects
WANG Dandan1, GAO Yan2, LI Weixian1, SU Zhan2, WU Sijin1
1. School of Instrumentation Science and Opto-electronics Engineering, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China;
2. Henan Province Automation Engineering Technology Research Center, Zhengzhou 450008, China
Abstract: The glass curtain wall is an important part of modern buildings, and the detection of its internal defects is of great significance for building safety assessment. This paper proposes a digital shearing speckle pattern interference method for the nondestructive detection of defects of glass curtain wall, and explores an experimental method suitable for glass curtain wall inspection. By thermally loading the glass, the four-step phase shifting technique is used before and after a certain time interval during the temperature-dropping phase to obtain the speckle phase map separately, and the phase difference is extracted by subtracting the speckle phase map before and after the temperature dropping. In the final stage, the spatial displacement gradient of the whole field deformation is calculated, thereby detecting the defect position of the glass curtain wall. The experimental results show that the shearing speckle pattern interferometry can detect both the spatial displacement gradient of the deformation and the position of the defects inside the glass curtain wall. Therefore, the shear speckle interference technology is an effective method for the nondestructive detection of the glass curtain wall defects, which has a great importance in evaluating the potential safety issues of glass curtain wall.
Keywords: glass curtain wall;non-destructive testing;defects detection;shearing speckle pattern interferometry
2022, 48(4):29-34  收稿日期: 2021-02-19;收到修改稿日期: 2021-04-28
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52075044,52075045);河南省科学院助推科技成果转化项目(20207004);河南省科学院基本科研费立项项目(200602003)
作者简介: 王单单(1996-),女,河南平顶山市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为数字剪切散斑干涉;高岩(1968-),男,河南汝州市人,副研究员,主要从事自动化过程控制及环保科技研究
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