
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>柱面统计最优近场声全息参数对比研究


1105    2022-03-24



作者:陈璐, 郭世旭, 王月兵, 郑慧峰

作者单位:中国计量大学计量测试工程学院,浙江 杭州 310018




Parameter comparison and study on the statistically optimized near-field acoustical holography of cylindrical surface
CHEN Lu, GUO Shixu, WANG Yuebing, ZHENG Huifeng
College of Metrology & Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
Abstract: Considering that near-field noise detection is of great significance to diagnose underwater vehicles and reduce the noise, the vector acoustic signal has strong directivity and excellent anti-interference capability, which can effectively shield the reflection of object and interference from other sound sources in other directions. An algorithm for statistically optimal near-field acoustic holography with cylindrical surface is proposed. In the simulation analysis and experimental comparison, the reconstruction accuracy and sound field effect of the proposed algorithm and scalar sound pressure algorithm are compared when the frequency of sound source and the reconstruction distance are changing, respectively. The feasibility of the proposed algorithm is verified, and its advantages in the sound source recognition and sound field reconstruction are illustrated: According to the experimental results, when the frequency of sound source changes, the error of vibration velocity algorithm is 35%-40% lower than that of sound pressure algorithm.When the reconstructed distance changes, the error of vibration velocity algorithm is 37%-40% lower than that of sound pressure algorithm.
Keywords: acoustics;near-field acoustical holography;statistically optimal;velocity measurement
2022, 48(3):15-20  收稿日期: 2021-03-13;收到修改稿日期: 2021-04-25
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年基金(11904346);浙江省自然科学基金青年基金(LQ19A040004);水声对抗技术国防重点实验室基金一般项目(61422140402)
作者简介: 陈璐(1996-),女,浙江宁波市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为水声计量测试
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