
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>烟用恒温干燥箱温度场均匀性研究


1155    2022-02-25



作者:张鹏飞, 赵航, 杨荣超, 曾波, 史占东, 于千源, 苗芊, 张勍

作者单位:中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院,河南 郑州 450001




Research on the uniformity of the temperature field in a thermostatic drying oven for tobacco
ZHANG Pengfei, ZHAO Hang, YANG Rongchao, ZENG Bo, SHI Zhandong, YU Qianyuan, MIAO Qian, ZHANG Qing
Zhengzhou Tobacco Research Institute of CNTC, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Abstract: The thermostatic drying oven for cigarettes was the research object. The basic principle and structure of the thermostatic drying oven for tobacco were introduced. The flow field of the drying oven was studied by CFD numerical simulation and experiment. The structure diagram of the drying oven was established by SOLIDWORKS. The temperature field, pressure field and velocity field in the steady state were obtained by using FLUENT software. The measurement results of temperature and wind speed at nine points in the thermostatic drying oven are in good agreement with the numerical simulation results, which verifies the correctness of the numerical simulation model. The uniformity of the temperature field in a thermostatic drying oven is one of the main performance indexes of the drying oven. The results show that the impeller speed has a great influence on the temperature uniformity of the drying oven. Appropriate speed is helpful to improve the uniformity of the temperature field in the drying oven, which provides a reference for the optimal design of the drying oven.
Keywords: thermostatic drying oven;numerical simulation;temperature field;uniformity
2022, 48(2):129-134  收稿日期: 2020-03-29;收到修改稿日期: 2020-06-07
基金项目: 国家烟草专卖局标准制修订项目(2013115)
作者简介: 张鹏飞(1987-),男,河南郑州市人,工程师,硕士,主要研究方向为仪器仪表、烟草计量
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