
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>考虑风电消纳的电-热综合能源系统经济运行研究


1041    2022-01-21



作者:陈琦, 李红伟, 周海林

作者单位:西南石油大学,四川 成都 610500




Study on economic operation of electricity-heat integrated energy system considering wind power consumption
CHEN Qi, LI Hongwei, ZHOU Hailin
Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
Abstract: In order to solve the problem of energy shortage, all countries provide strong support for the development of renewable energy. However, due to the randomness and volatility of renewable energy, it is difficult to control operation. How to increase the consumption of renewable energy has become a current research hotspot. This paper studies the wind power consumption problem, introduces electric boilers, power-to-gas technology and energy storage equipment into the integrated energy system, and considers the power demand response load. The total system cost considers equipment investment, operation and maintenance costs, electricity and gas purchase costs. This article establishes a comprehensive energy system economic optimization dispatch model. Use mosek solver to solve the model. Aiming at the four schemes proposed in the article, examples are used to verify the feasibility of the scheme. The comparative analysis shows the scheme with the largest wind power consumption and the smallest system cost.
Keywords: wind power consumption;integrated energy system;demand response;economic operation
2022, 48(1):116-121  收稿日期: 2020-09-24;收到修改稿日期: 2020-11-27
作者简介: 陈琦(1996-),女,四川达州市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为综合能源系统经济运行
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