
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于雷达波相位干涉技术的杆塔结构形变监测研究


1090    2021-09-23



作者:叶青, 程智, 胡小红, 陈俊, 孙雄

作者单位:国网浙江省电力有限衢州供电公司,浙江 衢州 324000



为实现不同型号杆塔结构形变的精确监测,研究基于雷达波相位干涉技术的杆塔结构形变监测方法。差分干涉处理少量合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)数据建立多基线干涉纹图集,依据相干系数均值以及点目标检测提取相干目标,建立多基线干涉相位模型从时间域角度迭代处理相干目标干涉相位,采用基于空间搜索的邻近点目标干涉相位差解缠方法求解多基线干涉相位模型,实现相位解缠,利用非线性形变相位与大气延迟相位分离方法提升相干目标线性形变精准性,实现杆塔结构形变监测。结果表明,该方法可实现单筒塔、三筒塔以及角钢塔杆塔结构形变的精确监测,监测精度可达到亚毫米量级,实现杆塔变形状态有效分析。

Research on deformation monitoring of tower structure based on radar wave phase interferometry
YE Qing, CHENG Zhi, HU Xiaohong, CHEN Jun, SUN Xiong
Quzhou Power Supply Company, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd., Quzhou 324000, China
Abstract: In order to realize the precise monitoring of the structural deformation of different types of towers, a method for monitoring the deformation of the tower structure based on radar wave phase interferometry is studied. A small amount of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data is processed by differential interferometry to establish a multi baseline interferogram atlas, extracts coherent targets based on the mean value of coherence coefficients and point target detection, establishes a multi-baseline interferometric phase model to iteratively process the interference phase of coherent targets from a time domain perspective, and uses neighboring points based on spatial search the target interference phase difference unwrapping method solves the multi-baseline interference phase model, realizes the phase unwrapping, uses the nonlinear deformation phase and the atmospheric delay phase separation method to improve the linear deformation accuracy of the coherent target, and realizes the deformation monitoring of the tower structure. The experimental results show that this method can accurately monitor the structural deformation of single-tube towers, three-tube towers and angle steel towers. The monitoring accuracy can reach the sub-millimeter level, and the effective analysis of the tower’s deformation state can be realized.
Keywords: radar wave phase interferometry;measurement technology;tower structure;deformation monitoring;interference pattern;phase difference unwrapping
2021, 47(9):34-40  收稿日期: 2020-10-29;收到修改稿日期: 2020-12-24
基金项目: 国网浙江省电力有限公司2020年科技项目(5211QZ1900J6)
作者简介: 叶青(1973-),男,浙江衢州市人,工程师,研究方向为输电线路运检技术、带电作业等
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