
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于Lorentz模型的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯本体聚合过程拟合算法研究


2115    2021-08-25



作者:杨硕, 姚琲

作者单位:天津大学分析测试中心,天津 300072




Research on fitting method of PMMA bulk polymerization process based on Lorentz model
YANG Shuo, YAO Pei
Center for Analysis and Tests, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Abstract: Arduino real-time online monitoring system is adopted to conduct real-time online monitoring and record data of the PMMA bulk polymerization process under different polymerization temperatures. The data is plugged into the Origin analysis software. According to S-shaped curve of “the conversion rate-reaction time”, the mathematical model is established through partial least square method, and then is evaluated by the correlation coefficient r, P-value test and the significance test and AIC. The fitting model of Lorentz is obtained and explained, with the correlation coefficient r>0.99. The key problems of the induction period time, the terminal period time and the conversion rate are solved by the fitting model. The fitting model provides a new way to online monitor and predicts polymer materials produced by bulk polymerization in chemical enterprises. The fitting model lays a foundation for the development of intelligent monitoring equipment in the future.
Keywords: real-time online monitoring;bulk polymerization process;mathematical analysis;in-situ monitoring
2021, 47(8):96-102  收稿日期: 2020-07-15;收到修改稿日期: 2020-09-07
基金项目: 天津市天津大学2020年度大型仪器开放基金(00000031)
作者简介: 杨硕(1987-),男,辽宁锦州市人,工程师,博士,研究方向为材料结构检测、新能源材料
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