
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>快速调节圆柱形谐振腔谐振频率的实验研究


2835    2021-05-28



作者:张瑜1, 秦元基1, 韩明硕2, 李爽3

作者单位:1. 河南师范大学电子与电气工程学院,河南 新乡 453007;
2. 中国人民解放军91709部队,吉林 珲春 133300;
3. 洛阳师范学院物理与电子信息学院,河南 洛阳 471000




Experimental research on rapidly adjusting the resonance frequency of cylindrical resonator
ZHANG Yu1, QIN Yuanji1, HAN Mingshuo2, LI Shuang3
1. College of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China;
2. 91709 PLA Troops, Hunchun 133300, China;
3. College of Physical and Electronic Information, Luoyang Normal University, Luoyang 471000, China
Abstract: The use of resonance cavity perturbation can more accurately measure the dielectric permittivity of the medium and the complex permittivity of low-loss materials, and the measurement of resonant frequency is the key to measure the permittivity. The offset of resonant frequency can result from cavity coupling, the opening of vent hole, manufacturing error and smooth degree of the inner wall, therefore it is necessary to fine-tune the cavity frequency to reduce the frequency measurement error caused by inevitable factors. According to the working mode and field structure of the cavity and based on the principle of perturbation method, a smooth cylindrical adjuster rod is added at the center of the cavity end cover to realize the fine adjustment. Through HFSS simulation and actual machining measurement, it can be proved that the resonant frequency of the cavity is proportional to the insertion depth of the rod, and it does not affect the quality factor of the cavity and does not produce other modes. This method can realize simple, rapid and continuous adjustment of the resonant frequency of the cavity, and equally increase the fault tolerance rate in the adjustment process, thus ensuring that the zero point of frequency calibration is met.
Keywords: resonator;frequency regulation;perturbation method;dielectric constant
2021, 47(5):6-10  收稿日期: 2020-08-10;收到修改稿日期: 2020-09-23
基金项目: 河南省科技攻关重点项目(172102210046)
作者简介: 张瑜(1963-),男,河南沁阳市人,教授,主要从事教学和电磁场与微波技术理论与应用研究工作
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