
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>汽车制动钳滑移阻力检测系统研制


1361    2021-01-27



作者:洪黎明1, 王学影1, 胡晓峰1, 范伟军2

作者单位:1. 中国计量大学,浙江 杭州 310018;
2. 杭州沃镭智能科技股份有限公司,浙江 杭州 310019



依据国家汽车制动系统行业相关标准研制汽车制动钳滑移阻力检测系统。以行业标准和企业测试要求为依据,制定活塞滑动阻力测试方案,引入高精度数据采集、伺服精密加载控制、测量系统分析等技术,设计基于伺服运动控制的精密加载机构的测量装置、采用真空泵用来对系统抽真空实现系统自动可调节的真空源,利用气液增压器、电气比例阀来满足对气液源的精准控制,设计一套汽车制动钳滑移阻力性能检测系统,满足其关于密封特性、滑动阻力特性的检测和评估,并对测试系统进行重复性评价。功能项测量能力指数满足${C}_{\rm g}\geqslant 2.0$,该检测系统稳定性能好、测量精度高,满足性能测试要求。

Design and research of detection system for sliding resistance of automobile brake caliper
HONG Liming1, WANG Xueying1, HU Xiaofeng1, FAN Weijun2
1. China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China;
2. Hangzhou Wolei Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310019, China
Abstract: Based on the relevant standards of the national automotive brake system industry, detection system for sliding resistance of automobile brake caliper was developed. Based on industry standards and enterprise test requirements, piston sliding resistance test plan formulation, the introduction of high-precision servo precision load control, data acquisition, measurement system analysis, design of load mechanism based on the precision of the servo motor control measurement device, vacuum pump used for vacuum system was adopted to realize the system automatically adjustable vacuum source, the use of gas and liquid supercharger, electric proportional valve to meet the precise control of gas and liquid source, has developed a set of slip resistance comprehensive performance test system, to achieve its seal, piston sliding resistance properties of testing and evaluation, and evaluation system of the test. The test results show that the measurement ability index (Cg) of test items is larger than 2.0, the system has stable detection performance and high precision, and meets the test requirements.
Keywords: brake caliper;sliding resistance;detection system;dynamic performance test;MSA
2021, 47(1):105-110  收稿日期: 2019-07-03;收到修改稿日期: 2019-08-12
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51675499);浙江省科技计划项目重大科技专项(2018C01063)
作者简介: 洪黎明(1993-),男,浙江淳安县人,硕士研究生,专业方向为汽车零部件智能检测技术研究及装备研制
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