
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>微纳晶体材料体膨胀系数测定和计算方法


1942    2021-01-27



作者:何端鹏, 于翔天, 王向轲, 邢焰, 高鸿, 李岩

作者单位:中国空间技术研究院材料可靠性中心,北京 100094




Measurement and calculation of the volume coefficient of expansion for micro/nano crystalline materials
HE Duanpeng, YU Xiangtian, WANG Xiangke, XING Yan, GAO Hong, LI Yan
Material Reliability Center, China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China
Abstract: Herein, a method for measuring the volume coefficient of expansion of micro/nano-scale crystalline materials is proposed in order to solve the problem that the parameter is difficult to obtain directly. The volume coefficient of expansion of materials is calculated by using the linear expansion coefficient of crystal axes of each phase, which is available through linear fitting of lattice constant with temperature based on the calculated lattice constants from the XRD diffraction patterns at different temperatures. The examples of single-phase tin solder and multi-phase PbSn solder balls have proved the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. This method can be used to measure the volume coefficient of expansion of micro/nano-scale samples, including the micro-sized structures, film materials, lead wires, solders and other materials for electronic components. This method is simple and efficient in operation without any specimen requirements. Therefore, the study provides a new way to measure the thermal expansion coefficient of micro/nano-scale materials, which has tremendous applicable value.
Keywords: micro/nano-scale;crystalline materials;coefficient of thermal expansion;XRD
2021, 47(1):42-48  收稿日期: 2020-05-08;收到修改稿日期: 2020-07-31
基金项目: 电子元器件质量工程科研项目(2006WR0015,2019WR0012);电子元器件共性检测项目(1905WK0013)
作者简介: 何端鹏(1990-),男,湖南邵阳市人,工程师,硕士,研究方向为航天材料质保及航天材料选用评价研究
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