
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>生物气溶胶监测仪校准方法的研究


1907    2020-10-27



作者:潘一廷, 张国城, 杨振琪, 刘佳琪, 沈上圯, 霍胜伟, 吴丹, 胡博

作者单位:北京市计量检测科学研究院,北京 100029



生物气溶胶监测仪是对环境中具有荧光信号的生物粒子进行计数监测的仪器,主要是通过气泵采样后,利用光散射法粒径测量技术和荧光光谱技术相结合实现对环境中发射荧光信号生物粒子的监测,目前国内尚无相关的检测标准或校准规范。该文以模拟生物发光的荧光微球为基础,设计并搭建一套生物气溶胶监测仪校准装置,将荧光物质修饰的单分散粒子进行雾化,利用荧光粒子能够被特定光源激发发射荧光现象,研究荧光显微镜计数方法,考察不同浓度、不同粒径、不同发射波长荧光粒子的计数效率。结果表明:搭建的装置可初步实现对生物气溶胶监测仪(粒径≥2 μm)的校准,解决其溯源问题。

Research on calibration method of bioaerosol monitor instrument
PAN Yiting, ZHANG Guocheng, YANG Zhenqi, LIU Jiaqi, SHEN Shangyi, HUO Shengwei, WU Dan, HU Bo
Beijing Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract: Bioaerosol monitor instrument is a kind of instrument that can count biological particles with fluorescent signal in the environment, and the air-sampling pump has been widely adopted in bioaerosol monitor instrument based on light scattering technology and fluorescence spectroscopy technology for monitoring biological particles. At present, there is no national calibration standard for this equipment in China. This study is based on fluorescent microspheres that simulate bioluminescence, and an optimal traceability calibration device was established for bioaerosol monitor instrument. Bioaerosol was generated with fluorescent modified particles by constant output atomizer. Then, a new calibration technique for the bioaerosol monitor instrument was introduced by comparing the counting results of bioaerosol monitor instrument and fluorescence microscope. The counting efficiency of fluorescent particles with different concentration, particle size and emission wavelength was investigated. The results show that the calibration method has well-traceability and can be used to the calibration of bioaerosol monitor instrument (particle diameter≥2 μm).
Keywords: bioaerosol;fluorescence;particles;counting;calibration
2020, 46(10):18-22  收稿日期: 2020-09-01;收到修改稿日期: 2020-09-21
基金项目: 国家质量基础的共性技术研究与应用国家重点研发计划(2017YFF0205504)
作者简介: 潘一廷(1978-),女,安徽怀宁县人,高级工程师,博士,主要从事环境监测仪器计量工作
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