
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于WRe5-26型热电偶的高精度温度信号调理电路设计


1944    2020-09-17



作者:王迪1, 甄国涌1,2, 张凯华1

作者单位:1. 中北大学 电子测试技术国家重点实验室,山西 太原 030051;
2. 中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,山西 太原 030051



火箭飞行器航飞过程中,针对关键设备的温度监测需要满足高精度抗干扰、宽量程可测的要求,设计一种基于WRe5-26型热电偶的温度信号调理电路。该信号调理电路采用电流型自动基准节点补偿的方法提升热电偶的冷端补偿效果,在增益调整电路的前级和后级分别设计两种EMI抗干扰电路以消除温度信号中混叠的射频干扰和线路串扰。经实际温度测量实验验证,该设计可实现0~2320 ℃范围温度可测,WRe5-26型热电偶采集到的温度信号经调理电路处理后,测温准确度可达±0.1%FS,数据相对误差可有效地控制在1%以内。在外加EMI干扰的情况下,测试实验中温度信号的信噪比可达88.19 dB,电路工作稳定,满足飞行过程中对信号调理具有抗干扰的要求。

Design of high precision temperature signal conditioning circuit based on WRe5-26 thermocouple
WANG Di1, ZHEN Guoyong1,2, ZHANG Kaihua1
1. State Key Laboratory of Electronic Testing Technology, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Instrument Science and Dynamic Testing, Ministry of Education, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China
Abstract: During the flight of the rocket vehicle, for the temperature monitoring of the key equipment in the rocket vehicle, the problem of temperature monitoring needs to meet the requirements of high precision anti-interference and wide measuring range, so a temperature signal conditioning circuit based on the WRe5-26 thermocouple was designed. The current-type automatic reference junction compensation method was used to improve the cold junction compensation effect of the thermocouple. It was proposed to design two EMI anti-interference circuits in the front and back stages of the gain adjustment circuit to eliminated aliasing in the temperature signal radio frequency interference and line crosstalk. Verified by actual temperature measurement experiment, the design have achieved temperature measurement in the range of 0 - 2320 ℃ . Being disposed by conditioning circuit, the accuracy of temperature signals collected by the WRe5-26 thermocouple have reached ±0.1% FS. The relative error of data could be effectively controlled within 1%. In the case of external EMI interference, the signal-to-noise ratio of the temperature signal in the test experiment have reached 88.19 dB, and the circuit was stable, which met the anti-interference requirements for signal conditioning in the flight of the aircraft.
Keywords: C-type thermocouple;high temperature signal conditioning;automatic reference junction cold junction compensation;high precision anti-interference
2020, 46(8):96-102  收稿日期: 2020-03-21;收到修改稿日期: 2020-05-05
作者简介: 王迪(1993-),男,山西太原市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为仪器仪表工程
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