
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>GSIG分布式光伏云缓存调度研究


2997    2020-06-22



作者:谢晓頔1, 潘霄峰1, 高云峰1, 蒲婧怡2

作者单位:1. 中国电力科学研究院有限公司, 北京 100192;
2. 国网陕西省电力公司建设分公司, 陕西 西安 710075



为促进分布式光伏云缓存调度方式的形成与发展,提高分布式光伏数据存提取和检索的效率,该文应用地理空间信息网格模(geo-spatial information grid,GSIG),利用沙漏网格模型对分布式光伏电源进行信息数据模型构建,通过一种负载均衡的云缓存调度算法,对网格数据计算的分布式光伏云缓存进行有效地在线调度,通过分析系统的数据处理能力搭建实验平台进行功能仿真及性能测试。仿真分析结果表明该文算法可有效实现分布式光伏数据快速存提取和检索。

Research on distributed photovoltaic cloud cache scheduling based on GSIG
XIE Xiaodi1, PAN Xiaofeng1, GAO Yunfeng1, PU Jingyi2
1. China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100192, China;
2. State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Company Construction Branch, Xi'an 710075, China
Abstract: In order to promote the formation and development of distributed photovoltaic cloud cache scheduling mode and improve the efficiency of distributed photovoltaic data storage extraction and retrieval, this paper uses geo-spatial information grid (GSIG) and hourglass model of grid to construct the information data model of distributed photovoltaic power supply. Through a load-balanced cloud cache scheduling algorithm to realize the online scheduling of the cloud cache of distributed photovoltaic calculated by the grid data, the efficiency of using the data resources in the process of cloud computing is greatly improved and the experimental platform for functional simulation and performance testing is built builds to analyze the data processing capability of the system, which provides a feasible solution for fast storage extraction and retrieval of distributed photovoltaic data.
Keywords: distributed photovoltaic;grid;GSIG;cloud cache;balanced scheduling
2020, 46(6):13-17  收稿日期: 2019-03-31;收到修改稿日期: 2019-05-23
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2017YFB0903300)
作者简介: 谢晓頔(1991-),男,福建南平市人,工程师,硕士,主要从事新能源调度与大数据技术应用研究
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