
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于四组加速退化试验的VFD寿命预测


2339    2020-04-27



作者:张蓓1, 张建平2

作者单位:1. 上海电力大学能源与机械工程学院, 上海 200090;
2. 上海理工大学机械工程学院, 上海 200093




Life prediction of VFD based on four groups of accelerated degradation tests
ZHANG Bei1, ZHANG Jianping2
1. College of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China;
2. School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
Abstract: Aiming at obtaining the life information of vacuum fluorescent display in a short time, accelerated degradation tests under four groups of constant stresses are carried out on the basis of increasing the temperature of the cathode filament. The relationship between accelerated time and the acceleration coefficient is applied to transform the test data at accelerated stress into the luminance attenuation data under normal stress, and the life prediction model based on three-parameter Weibull function and right approximation method is established, thus achieving the life estimation. The results indicate that the accelerated degradation test scheme is feasible, and the life model based on luminance attenuation not only accurately reveals the rule of brightness changing with time, but also has high prediction accuracy, which can provide manufacturers and users with important technical references and can be generalized to other optoelectronic products.
Keywords: accelerated degradation tests;life prediction;acceleration coefficient;three-parameter Weibull function;luminance attenuation
2020, 46(4):148-152  收稿日期: 2019-03-30;收到修改稿日期: 2019-05-27
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(11572187);上海市科学技术委员会项目(18DZ1202105,18DZ1202302)
作者简介: 张蓓(1993-),女,浙江宁波市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为寿命预测与可靠性研究
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