
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>高稳定度可调恒流源的设计与实现


3023    2020-03-26



作者:韦子辉, 张要发, 杨泽, 李小亭, 徐潇潇, 方立德

作者单位:河北大学质量技术监督学院,河北 保定 071002



针对影响恒流源稳定性的因素,制定相应的改进解决方案以确保输出电流的稳定,通过设计基于场效应管和运算放大器组成的串联反馈电路来保证电流的稳定性。实验测试的结果表明,串联反馈电路中加入运放的隔离电路使得前后级的电路更加稳定,同时基准电压越稳定,恒流源的输出电流越稳定,在市电供电情况下,经过预热可以产生更加稳定的基准电压。通过实验测试,恒流源样机达到10-6量级稳定度以及输出电流范围在0~1 A可调的设计要求。

Design and implementation of high stability adjustable constant current source
WEI Zihui, ZHANG Yaofa, YANG Ze, LI Xiaoting, XU Xiaoxiao, FANG Lide
School of Quality and Technical Supervision, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China
Abstract: Aiming at the factors affecting the stability of the constant current source, the corresponding improved solution is developed to ensure the stability of output current, by designing a series feedback circuit based on FET and operational amplifier to ensure current stability. The experimental results show that the isolation circuit of the op amp is added to the series feedback circuit to make the circuit of the front and rear stages more stable. At the same time, the more stable the reference voltage is, the more stable the output current of the constant current source is. At the same time, in the case of mains power supply, a more stable reference voltage can be generated after preheating. Through experimental tests, the constant current source prototype has reached the design requirement of 10-6 magnitude stability and adjustable output current range of 0-1 A.
Keywords: constant current source;constant current circuit;sampling resistor;voltage reference;stability
2020, 46(3):77-83  收稿日期: 2019-08-03;收到修改稿日期: 2019-09-28
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61475041)
作者简介: 韦子辉(1977-),男,河北保定市人,副教授,博士,研究方向为电磁场与微波测量、超宽带定位
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