
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>一种针对蜂窝芯外形曲面特征的测量方法


2662    2019-07-26



作者:刘蕾1, 陈雪梅1, 易元1, 宋忠超2, 黄庆奕1, 江磊2

作者单位:1. 成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司, 四川 成都 610092;
2. 西南交通大学机械工程学院, 四川 成都 610031




A method for measuring the shape and surface characteristics of honeycomb core
LIU Lei1, CHEN Xuemei1, YI Yuan1, SONG Zhongchao2, HUANG Qingyi1, JIANG Lei2
1. Chengdu Aircraft Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610092, China;
2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
Abstract: To solve the problems of incomplete data and low precision in the process of feature measurement of honeycomb core surface, a method based on 3D optical scanning was proposed. First, the covering layer was laminated on the surface of the honeycomb core, then cloud data of the cover layer was collected by optical scanning as a substitute for contour data of honeycomb core surface feature. By calculating the normal vector of the cloud data and making an offset whose size was the thickness of the covering layer in the vector direction, contour data of honeycomb core surface feature was obtained. The feasibility and accuracy of the method are proved by the measurement of a honeycomb core material in practice. The results show that the method can be applied to the measurement of the surface characteristics of honeycomb core materials and has the realism value in engineering applications.
Keywords: mechanical tolerance and technical measurement;surface feature measurement;optical scanning;honeycomb core
2019, 45(7):56-60  收稿日期: 2017-09-28;收到修改稿日期: 2017-11-15
基金项目: 四川省科技支撑计划项目(2014GZ0123)
作者简介: 刘蕾(1985-),女,河北石家庄市人,工程师,主要从事机械加工及加工质量检测工作
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