
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>反向钻孔法应用于工件内表面残余应力测量的研究


2939    2019-05-28



作者:马小明, 欧清扬

作者单位:华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院, 广东 广州 510640



针对现有应力测试难以准确获得工件内壁应力的问题,该文提出于内壁贴片测应变,由外壁钻入的反向钻孔法。应用有限元数值模拟反向钻孔过程,借助生死单元技术获得反向钻孔法测试所需要的应变释放系数ab;对比反向钻孔法、盲孔法和X射线衍射法对不同厚度钢板的同一测点测得的残余应力结果,以验证反向钻孔法的可行性和可靠度。模拟结果发现,ab系数与样品壁厚、孔径、剩余钻深均有关系,对此进一步归纳出适用于标准ASTM E837中A、B型应变片的ab系数赋值表。实验结果显示,不同测试方法间虽由于测试范围不同而存在差异,但大部分测试结果保持一致。综合模拟与实验结果,通孔法可以改善原先工件内壁应力测试难的问题,并提高内壁应力的测试精度。

Study for inverse hole-drilling method applied on residual stress measurement of inner surface
MA Xiaoming, OU Qingyang
School of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering of SCUT, Guangzhou 510640, China
Abstract: It is difficult to measure the stress on the inner surface of the workpiece by the hole-drilling strain-gage method. This paper puts forward a new test method of drilling called inverse hole-drilling method, from the outer wall and releasing the stress layer by layer till the inner surface. Ansys is used to simulate the process by method of life-and-death element, the calibration factors a, b needed for test is obtained at the same time. In order to verify the validity of this drilling process, both X-ray and drilling method were used to determine residual stress of the same measure point. FEM results show that factors a, b are influenced by both wall thicknesses and hole's diameters while the drilling depth. To clarify this connection, the numerical values of coefficient a, b were drawn for the inverse hole-drilling method mentioned, both type A and B rosette mentioned in ASTM E837 were included. The experimental results show that although there are differences between the results, which may be due to each specific test range, most of the test results show consistency. In summary, inverse hole-drilling method applied on inner surface is proved to be an effective and accurate way.
Keywords: safety technology;stress testing;hole-drilling method;FEM simulation
2019, 45(5):26-32,37  收稿日期: 2018-05-21;收到修改稿日期: 2018-06-21
基金项目: 国家科技重大专项(2015ZX06002007)
作者简介: 马小明(1962-),男,甘肃天水市人,副教授,硕士,主要从事设备安全检测与失效分析、液化天然气技术等方面的教学、科研等工作
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