
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>一种FPGA的SEU效应测试方法研究


3469    2019-01-30



作者:王志国, 孟令军, 张皓威, 张敏

作者单位:中北大学仪器与电子学院, 山西 太原 030051




Study on a test method of FPGA SEU effect
WANG Zhiguo, MENG Lingjun, ZHANG Haowei, ZHANG Min
School of Instrument and Electronics, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China
Abstract: In order to perform the failure statistics of single event upset (SEU) on FPGA generated by high-energy particles radiation in a low altitude space, thus a portable and real-time FPGA SEU effect test system was designed. This system (which uses FPGA as the main control module, and Raspberry Pi as the upper computer) for testing remotely connects to the tested FPGA through a long-distance low voltage differential signal line. The test result was received by upper computer and then stored in the SD card, then displayed on vehicle screen so that the tester can know it in real time. After testing in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a lot of field data was obtained. The relation between atmospheric neutron dose and the statistics of FPGA SEU events is consistent with the expectation after analyzing the test results. The test result shows that portable real-time FPGA SEU test system is scientific and effective, which provides some reference for FPGA selection of low altitude aircraft.
Keywords: FPGA;low altitude;single event upset;Raspberry Pi;LVDS
2019, 45(1):115-120  收稿日期: 2018-03-04;收到修改稿日期: 2018-04-02
基金项目: 航空科学基金项目(20128067003)
作者简介: 王志国(1991-),男,安徽亳州市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为动态测试技术
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