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3203    2017-06-05



作者:于龙洋, 刘晔, 孙培钦, 张耀匀

作者单位:西安交通大学电气工程学院, 陕西西安 710049



为使测量光电开关发出的数字脉冲宽度的精度达到1 ns和掌握光电开关的实时工作状态。该文通过基于FPGA精确测量法的直接计数法和移相计数法进行测量,得出移相计数法的测量误差在1 ns左右,并验证其设计的正确性和有效性。设计通信系统和上位机软件进行实时监控,通信系统采用成熟的串口RS232通信方式,用PFGA设计串口通信模块,实现将数据传输到工控机;再用LabVIEW编写上位机软件,便于工作人员直观观察数据并存储数据到Excel,实验结果证明测量系统可靠、有效。

A nanosecond level measurement method of pulse width based on FPGA

YU Longyang, LIU Ye, SUN Peiqin, ZHANG Yaoyun

School of Electrical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China

Abstract: In order to make the width of digital pulse generated by photoelectric switch reach the precision of 1ns approximately grasp the real-time working state of the photoelectric switch. This paper proposed two FPGA-based accurate measurement methods to measure the precision, directing counting method and phase shift counting method were included. The experiments show that the error of the phase shift counting method is about 1 ns, which verifies its correctness and effectiveness. The communication system and software of IPC were also designed in this paper. The communication system used a RS232 serial interface and the serial communication module transfers data to the IPC was designed by FPGA; IPC software was written by LabVIEW, which enables the data to be observed intuitively and stored to Excel easily. The experimental results show that the design of the system is correct and effective.

Keywords: nanosecond;FPGA;serial communication;LabVIEW

2017, 43(5): 5-10  收稿日期: 2016-09-18;收到修改稿日期: 2016-11-20


作者简介: 于龙洋(1992-),男,陕西宝鸡市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为控制理论与科学。


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