
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于PXI-4220和LabVIEW的小尺寸样品磁致伸缩性能测量系统


4663    2017-01-12



作者:南楠1, 周天宏2, 陈杰1

作者单位:1. 湖北汽车工业学院理学院, 湖北 十堰 442002;
2. 武汉商学院信息工程学院, 湖北 武汉 430056



为满足实验室条件下对样品磁致伸缩性能测试的需要,在LabVIEW环境下,控制NI PXI-4220双通道数据采集卡(搭载于PXI-1042Q机箱中)和由KEPCO BOP 72-6D型程控电源提供电流信号的GMW 5043-76 mm型自动电磁铁,并配合RS Pro 2 mm导线接端应变片以及自制的样品载台,成功开发适用于小尺寸样品的磁致伸缩测量系统。系统采用NI PXI-4220内置的半桥-I型惠斯登电路采集动态应变信号,并由LabVIEW程序自动进行数据处理。以CoFe2O4陶瓷作为试样置于该系统下测试,所得的磁致伸缩曲线反映出灵敏的应变-外场响应和明显的磁滞特点。经零点补偿换算后,测试样品的饱和磁致伸缩值为20010-6~30010-6,在有效范围之内。该系统具有搭建快捷方便和功能模块扩展性强的特点。

Magnetostriction measurement system for small-sized sample based on PXI-4220 and LabVIEW

NAN Nan1, ZHOU Tianhong2, CHEN Jie1

1. School of Science, Hubei University of Automotive Technology, Shiyan 442002, China;
2. Department of Information Engineering, Wuhan Business University, Wuhan 430056, China

Abstract: In order to satisfy the need of measuring magnetostrictive behavior of sample under laboratory condition, a magnetostriction measurement system used for small-sized sample was successfully developed by using LabVIEW based NI PXI-4220 two-channel data acquisition card inserted in PXI-1042Q case, GMW model 5043-76 mm electromagnet powered by KEPCO BOP 72-6D programmable power source, RS Pro-2mm Wire Lead Strain Gauge and self-designed sample holder. This system is configured with built-in Half-Bridge Type I Wheatstone circuit collecting dynamic strain signal built in NI PXI-4220, and the acquired data will be automatically processed by LabVIEW. The system was used to test CoFe2O4 ceramic, the acquired magnetostriction showed sensitive stain-field response and obvious hysteresis. Saturated magnetostriction of tested sample was within 200×10-6-300×10-6 which was considered to be in valid range after performing zero compensation. This system is easy to set up and has strong expansibility.

Keywords: magnetostriction;data acquisition card;LabVIEW;Wheatstone circuit;hysteresis

2016, 42(12): 87-90  收稿日期: 2016-04-02;收到修改稿日期: 2016-05-18

基金项目: 湖北省教育科学十二五规划项目(2014B259)

作者简介: 南楠(1988-),男,湖北十堰市人,助教,硕士,主要从事材料测试与表征技术的研究开发。


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