
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于有限元法的换热器结构可靠性分析


2768    2016-01-23



作者:陈金梅1, 金誉辉2, 金长义1

作者单位:1. 广西工业职业技术学院, 广西南宁 530003;
2. 广西特种设备监督检验院, 广西南宁 530022

关键词:换热器; 有限元法; 蒙特卡罗法; 可靠度; 灵敏度



Analysis of heat exchanger structure reliability based on finite element method

CHEN Jin-mei1, JIN Yu-hui2, JIN Chang-yi1

1. Guangxi Industry Vocationl and Technical College, Nanning 530003, China;
2. Guangxi Institute of Special Equipment Supervision and Inspection, Nanning 530022, China

Abstract: For prompt and accurate reliability evaluation of heat exchanger in service, the Monte-Carlo and finite element method were applied in the calculation of heat exchanger model. The reliability curve under given credit degree was gained through 8000 samples on build heat exchanger model by monte-carlo and finite element method. The subdued intensity was the most influencing factors to the result by analyzing sensitivity and sample process on deferent random variables. The heat exchanger's practical circs were effectively reflected by the model, and referenced notions were given on structure reliability.

Keywords: Heat exchanger; Finite element method; Monte-carlo method; Reliability; Sensitivity

2008, 34(2): 131-133  收稿日期: 2007-8-23;收到修改稿日期: 2007-11-9


作者简介: 陈金梅(1978-),女,天津市人,硕士,助教,主要从事教学工作。


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