
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>电子节气门硬件在环仿真测试方法研究


2892    2016-01-23



作者:吴琼, 彭忆强, 刘辉

作者单位:西华大学交通与汽车工程学院, 四川成都 610039

关键词:电子节气门; 硬件在环; 仿真测试; MACS565开发平台; 数字增量PID控制



Research on hardware-in-the-loop simulation test method for electronic throttle

WU Qiong, PENG Yi-qiang, LIU Hui

School of Transportation and Automotive Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039, China

Abstract: Electronic throttle is widely used for automotive engine and its design has received increasing attention. Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation test would greatly shorten its development and calibration time. A HIL simulation test platform was established with rapid prototype system(MACS565) for the electronic throttle. And the simulation test model was built with Matlab/Simulink to realize the electronic throttle HIL simulation and performance testing. Sensor export characteristic testing method was researched and its correlative parameters were tested for a certain type of electronic throttle with this platform. So this platform has provided the testing method for the development of new electronic throttle products and their performance testing. At the same time, it can become the prototype of online product quality testing.

Keywords: Electronic throttle; Hardware-in-the-Loop; Simulation test; MACS565; Digital incremental PID control

2008, 34(5): 103-105  收稿日期: 2008-4-5;收到修改稿日期: 2008-6-17

基金项目: 四川省教育厅"重大培育"项目(07ZZ032);四川省重点学科建设基金项目(SZD0410)

作者简介: 吴琼(1983-),男,安徽庐江人,硕士研究生,专业方向为汽车电子控制技术。


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