
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>协调加载控制及数据采集系统的自动校准设计


2942    2016-01-19



作者:严洪燕, 武桦, 解启瞻

作者单位:中航工业直升机设计研究所, 江西 景德镇 333001

关键词:静力试验; 疲劳试验; 伺服控制通道; 数据采集通道; 自动校准; 软件设计


利用标准仪器的通信接口,在VEE Pro软件开发平台上设计出一套针对协调加载控制和数据采集系统的自动校准平台。该系统由仪器信息采集、伺服控制通道校准、数据采集通道校准、打印输出4个主模块组成,可实现实时显示、超差报警、自动处理数据及存档等功能。应用结果表明:自动校准平台高效、准确、可靠,在直升机研发试验中发挥出重要作用,具有广泛的应用前景。

Design of automatic calibration for test load control and data acquisition system

YAN Hong-yan, WU Hua, XIE Qi-zhan

AVIC Helicopter Research and Development Institute, Jingdezhen 333001, China

Abstract: Utilizing the communication interface of standard equipment and based on the VEE Pro software-exploiting platform, an automatic calibration platform was designed for the test load control and data acquisition system. It contains four main modules, i.e. equipment information collection module, servo control channel calibration module, data acquisition channel calibration module and printing module. The functions of real-time display, error alert, data processing and data automatic saving can be realized. Practices show that the platform is reliable, effective and accurate. It plays an important role in all kinds of helicopter experiments, and can be applied widely.

Keywords: static test; fatigue test; servo control channel; data acquisition channel; automatic calibration; software design

2012, 38(2): 85-88  收稿日期: 2011-5-10;收到修改稿日期: 2011-7-24


作者简介: 严洪燕(1962-),女,浙江嘉兴市人,高级工程师,主要从事无线电及时间频率计量、专用测试设备计量校准及自动测试技术研究工作。


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