
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>利用吉赫兹横电磁波室实现电能表辐射骚扰测量


2277    2016-01-22



作者:钟国林, 李建明, 马轲瀛, 郑东冬

作者单位:中国测试技术研究院, 四川成都 610021

关键词:吉赫兹横电磁波室; 电能表; 辐射骚扰; 测量限值; 接收系数


一个能进行30~1000MHz频率范围电能表辐射骚扰测量装置已在中国测试技术研究院电子所初步建成。该装置成功利用吉赫兹横电磁波小室(GTEM小室)作为测量场地与骚扰能量接收装置,其特点是占地少、造价低、使用方便,特别适用于各种单、三相电子式电能表及其他便携式仪表的测量。如采用较高频段的信号源和接收机(或频谱分析仪),该装置的频率范围可方便地扩展到2 GHz甚至3 GHz,能满足当前及今后相当长时期内国家标准及IEC标准对骚扰频率范围的测量要求。其测量不确定度主要受限于所使用的干扰接收机或频谱分析仪,在低频段(100 MHz以下)还受限于GTEM小室接收系数AF的测量与校准。

Measure radio disturbances of electrical energy meter with GTEM cell

ZHONG Guo-lin, LI Jian-ming, MA Ke-ying, ZHENG Dong-dong

National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu 610021, China

Abstract: Equipment has been successfully established by National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology(NIMTT),which can measure the radio disturbances of the electrical energy meter in the frequency ranges 30-1 000 MHz. Preliminary realization of the radio disturbance measurements makes full use of Gigahertz transverse electromagnetic(GTEM)cell. The cell is not only used as measurement site,but also used to receive the power of the radio disturbances. It possesses the characteristics of low space-demand,low cost and user-friendly. It is especially suitable for measuring all kinds of one or three phase electrical energy meters and other portable electrical instruments. When using the signal sources and receivers(or spectrum analyzers) which have wider frequency range,the frequency of this device can by expand to 2 GHz or even 3 GHz easily. It can meet the testing requirements of the measurement limiting value that is published in terms of national and IEC Standards in a long period from now on. The measurement uncertainty is mainly limited by interference receiver or spectrum analyzer. If the frequency is less than 100 MHz, the uncertainty is also limited by the antenna receive factor(AF)of GTEM cell.

Keywords: GTEM cell; electrical energy meter; radio disturbances; measurement limiting value; receive coefficient

2011, 37(2): 9-12  收稿日期: 2010-9-2;收到修改稿日期: 2010-11-17


作者简介: 钟国林(1955-),男,四川成都市人,研究员,国家电磁兼容标准化技术委员会委员,主要从事直流量子电压基准、电磁兼容试验、电磁兼容设备校准、电能计量与测试等研究工作。


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