
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于扭杆摆的汽车动力总成惯量参数测量实现


2255    2016-01-22



作者:查佳韵, 刘勇, 程金华, 程长洪

作者单位:东风汽车集团股份有限公司技术中心, 湖北襄樊 441004

关键词:汽车动力总成; 转动惯量; 扭杆摆; 三坐标仪; 称重平台



Realization of measuring auto powertrain inertia parameters based on torsion pendulum

ZHA Jia-yun, LIU Yong, CHENG Jin-hua, CHENG Chang-hong

The Technology Centre of Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd., Xiangfan 441004, China

Abstract: To avoid the tedious operations of traditional methods,the torsion bar platform with weight sensors was designed to measure auto powertrain inertia according to the inertia measurement theory of torsion pendulum. Firstly,the coordinates of auto powertrain were built with three dimensional coordinate measuring instruments; then the angles between auto powertrain coordinates'axles and the rotary axle of the torsion bar platform were obtained through the dimensional relationship of some characteristic points that was signed on the auto powertrain and the torsion bar platform; and finally the inertia parameters of auto powertrain were produced. The measuring data of standard piece indicated that the method is applicable for practical measurement with good accuracy and precision.

Keywords: auto powertrain; moment of inertia; torsion pendulum; three dimensional coordinate instrument; platform of weight

2011, 37(2): 17-20,29  收稿日期: 2010-5-4;收到修改稿日期: 2010-7-23


作者简介: 查佳韵(1972-),男,重庆市人,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事汽车整车及零部件试验检测工作。


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