
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>X射线影像对比度细节体模的设计


2234    2016-01-22



作者:鄢铃, 林滔

作者单位:中国测试技术研究院, 四川成都 610021

关键词:对比度; 对比度-细节; 阈值对比度; 体模; 影像质量指数(IQF)


为了评价医用X射线摄影影像质量,设计及制作了一种对比度细节体模。利用X射线透过物质时其透过剂量随物质厚度的增加呈指数减弱原理,在与肌肉组织对X射线减弱特性基本等效的有机玻璃板上加工不同大小和深度的圆孔而制成。对比度细节圆孔在对比度阈值区域精密分布,对比度细节从0.3~80.0 mm,同时提出了对比度细节体模影像质量指数的计算方法及体模的应用。该体模使用方便,指标计算简单,适合对X射线影像质量的对比度及空间分辨率的综合评价。

Design of contrast details phantom for X-ray image

YAN Ling, LIN Tao

National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu 610021, China

Abstract: In order to evaluate the quality of medical X-ray photography image,the authors design and manufacture a contrast details phantom. The phantom has been prepared with the principle that the transmission dose of X-ray decrease with increasing the material thickness according to an exponential relationship,and with organic glass different size and depth of round hole,which has almost the same characteristics of X-ray abate as that of muscle tissue. The contrast details round holes from 0.3 mm to 80.0 mm distributed precisely in contrast threshold region. At the same time,the quality factor calculation of contrast details phantom image has been put forward quality,and the phantom applications have been introduced. The phantom design can meet X-ray image quality inspection requirements. The phantom is easy to use,simple to calculate factors,and it is suitable for comprehensively evaluating the contrast and spatial resolution of X-ray image quality.

Keywords: contrast; contrast detail; threshold contrast; phantom; image quality factor(IQF)

2011, 37(2): 21-24  收稿日期: 2010-10-15;收到修改稿日期: 2010-12-27


作者简介: 鄢铃(1969-),男,四川成都市人,高级工程师,主要从事医学计量测试工作。


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