
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于Nios Ⅱ软核的卫星地球站ODU监控终端设计

基于Nios Ⅱ软核的卫星地球站ODU监控终端设计

2527    2016-01-22



作者:杨仕东, 黄建国, 李力

作者单位:电子科技大学自动化工程学院, 四川成都 611731

关键词:ODU监控终端; NiosⅡ软核; Verilog HDL语言; 人机界面; 故障判断


室外单元(out door unit,ODU)是卫星地球站的主要设备之一,在卫星通信链路上,其主要功能是对卫星信号的收发。为了对ODU的工作状态进行监控和设置,设计了此监控终端,通过在FPGA内嵌入Nios Ⅱ软核来控制人机界面、存储模块和通信模块的工作。其中人机界面完成相关参数的输入和显示,而监控终端与ODU的通信是利用RS232接口进行的。通过仿真与实验,表明该监控终端工作可靠,能够满足需要。

Design of satcom earth station ODU monitor terminal based on Nios Ⅱ soft-core

YANG Shi-dong, HUANG Jian-guo, LI Li

School of Automation Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China

Abstract: Out door unit(ODU)is one of the main equipment in satcom earth station. In satellite communication system,its main function is sending and receiving satellite signals. The ODU monitor terminal is designed for monitoring and setting the status of ODU. The FPGA processor with Nios Ⅱ embedded is used to control the work of user interface,memory modules and communication modules. The parameters are inputted and displayed by user interface. The communication between ODU and monitor terminal is realized by RS232 Interfaces. Simulation and debugging tests indicated that the system was able to meet the demand.

Keywords: ODU monitor terminal; Nios Ⅱ; verilog HDL; user interface; fault identification

2011, 37(2): 69-71  收稿日期: 2010-5-26;收到修改稿日期: 2010-8-13


作者简介: 杨仕东(1986-),男,四川成都市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为测试技术与自动化装置的设计及应用。


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