
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>应变电测与传感器技术的新发展及应用


2611    2016-01-22




作者单位:清华大学航天航空学院工程力学系, 北京 100084

关键词:应变电测; 特殊电阻应变计; 传感器; 数据采集仪


首先介绍应变电测与传感器技术的新发展:(1)各种新型特殊电阻应变计:高温600~800℃密封焊接式应变计,900℃粘贴式动态应变计,低温 -269~ -196℃电阻应变计,防水应变计,大应变15%~30%电阻应变计等。(2)新型应变计式传感器:土木、机械用力传感器,钢筋计,土压力计,扭矩传感器,六分力传感器,另有应变传感器可安装在结构上测量应变,可重复使用,配合应变测试仪器使用,还可进行无线遥测。(3)新型数据采集仪器:高速静态数据采集仪,最多达1000通道,可测应变、温度、应变式传感器、直流电压等,精度0.05%,采集速度每通道0.04 s,多通道总计0.4s采集完成;小型多通道动态应变和温度记录仪,最多有80通道,其中应变最多达64通道,其余为热电偶、电压测量通道;超动态电阻应变仪,频响可达200~500 kHz,另有数据采集和分析软件可快速分析处理数据。其次介绍近来在土木工程、铁路工程、机械工程和航空航天工程以及医学、体育等领域中的若干应用实例。

New developments of strain gauge measurement and transducer technique and applications in all kinds of engineers and domains

SHEN Guan-lin

Shool of Aeronautics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Abstract: This paper at first introduces the new developments of the strain gauge measurement and transducer technique:(1)Some new types special strain gauges:high temperature(600-800℃) closed welding strain gauge,900℃ bonded dynamic strain gauge,cryogenic(-269- -196℃)strain gauge,water-proof strain gauge,plastic 15%-30% strain gauge.(2)New strain gauge transducers:civil mechanics using force transducers, reinforcing bar meter, soil pressure meter, torque transducer,6 components force transducer,and another strain transducer which can be installed on structure for measuring strain,be used redundantly,be used with strain instruments and remotely measure with radio. (3)New type data loggers:high velocity static data logger,it has 1 000 channels,can measure strain,temperature etc. with the accuracy of 0.05%,can exquisite velocity is 0.4 s for many channels and 0.04 s for each channel;mini type multi-channel dynamic strain recorder,it has 80 channels,64 channels for measuring strain,others are thermal couples and voltage channels;super-dynamical strain indicator,frequency response is high to 200~500 kHz. There are data acquisition and analysis software,which can analyze and treat data rapidly. Then the author introduces some recent application examples in the civil engineering, railway engineering,mechanical engineering,and aeronautics astronautics engineering and other domains such as medical science,athletics and so on.

Keywords: strain gauge measurement; special strain gauge; transducer; data logger

2011, 37(2): 87-91,96  收稿日期: 2010-8-17;收到修改稿日期: 2010-10-26


作者简介: 沈观林(1935-),男,上海市人,教授,主要从事实验固体力学与复合材料力学科研和教学工作。


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