
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>柴油机故障诊断试验研究


2472    2016-01-18




作者单位:四川信息职业技术学院, 四川 广元 628017

关键词:故障诊断; 试验研究; 测试系统; 振动信号; 小波变换


为了对柴油机故障类型进行准确诊断, 根据研究内容, 设计出了合理的试验测试诊断系统, 并根据最近原则选择测点位置。通过从柴油机缸盖振动信号进行特征提取, 对所测取的信号通过小波分解及重构后重新提取时域、频域特征参数, 从而可判断故障类型。经过验证, 所判断出的故障类型正好为所设定的故障, 由此表明该方法的正确性。

Study on fault diagnosis of diesel engine

ZHOU Yu-feng

Sichuan College of Information Technology, Guangyuan 628017, China

Abstract: In order to diagnose the fault types of diesel engines accurately, a reasonable testing diagnosis system was designed according to the research works. Measuring points are selected according to the principle of proximity. The cylinder head vibration signal was measured and its features were extracted, the measured signals were decomposed and reconstructed by the wavelet transform, and then their time and frequency domain parameters were re-extracted, orderly the fault type can be determined. Experimental results prove the proposed method is practicable.

Keywords: fault diagnosis; experimental study; testing system; vibration signal; wavelet transform

2011, 37(1): 5-9  收稿日期: 2010-7-29;收到修改稿日期: 2010-9-17


作者简介: 周玉丰(1973-),男,重庆长寿区人,副教授,硕士,主要从事汽车技术和液压与气动方面的应用研究和教学工作。


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