
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>1 MN力基准机力值不确定度评估及量值比对验证

1 MN力基准机力值不确定度评估及量值比对验证

2292    2016-01-18




作者单位:中国测试技术研究院, 四川 成都 610021

关键词:力基准机; 力值不确定度; 量值比对; 力值相对扩展不确定度


阐述了1 MN力基准机力值不确定度的各物理因素和其他影响因素的误差来源, 对各影响因素的不确定度分量及合成不确定度进行了评估, 评估结果的力值相对扩展不确定度为6.910-6(k=3) 。为了验证1 MN力基准机的力值不确定度, 进行了1 MN与100 kN力基准机之间的量值比对试验, 结果表明1 MN与100 kN力基准机各比对点的力值相对偏差小于0.510-5, 力值相对扩展不确定度小于1.110-5(k=2), 1 MN力基准机力值不确定度评估结果得到了验证。

Force uncertainty evaluation of 1 MN deadweight primary force standard machine and validation of force value comparison


National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu 610021, China

Abstract: The physical and other error sources of force value were introduced for 1 MN primary force standard machine, and the combined uncertainty and each component were evaluated. The expanded uncertainty of the force value is 6.9×10-6(k=3). The force value comparison was carried out between the 1 MN deadweight primary force standard machine and 100 kN deadweight primary force standard machine to validate the uncertainty of 1 MN deadweight primary force standard machine. The comparison results showed at each comparison point, the force indication deviation is less than ±0.5×10-5 between the uncertainty of 1 MN deadweight primary force standard machine and that of 100 kN deadweight primary force standard machine, and the force related expanded uncertainty is less than 1.1×10-5(k=2).

Keywords: primary force standard machine; force uncertainty; quantity comparison; force related expanded uncertainty

2011, 37(1): 31-34  收稿日期: 2010-8-16;收到修改稿日期: 2010-10-21


作者简介: 唐韵(1981-),男,四川成都市人,硕士,主要从事力值检测、力值基(标)准的研究工作。


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