
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>全息技术在检测技术中的应用


2582    2016-01-18



作者:陈璞, 徐亨成

作者单位:空军第一航空学院, 河南 信阳 464000

关键词:检测; 全息; 无损检测; 振动测试; 应用


为了解决复杂结构的检测问题, 采用以激光技术为基础的全息技术。通过分析全息技术的理论基础、基本过程和实现方法以及全息图的基本特点, 讨论全息技术在检测领域中的应用原理、实现方法, 特别是在全息金属无损检测和全息振动测试两个方向上, 较详细地研究了这两种检测技术的应用原理、实现方法及适用场合, 为全息技术在检测领域中实践应用提供一个有价值的理论参考。

Application of holographic technology in testing field

CHEN Pu, XU Heng-cheng

The First Aeronautic Institute of Air Force, Xinyang 464000, China

Abstract: To solve the test problem of complicated structure, holographic technology based on laser technique was adopted. According to the rationale, basic process, implementation and trait of hologram, the application principle and implement approach of holographic technology were discussed for the testing field. The theory, means and applicable situation were studied amply, especially in two aspects of holographic nondestructive testing and holographic vibration testing, which provided a valuable reference in theory research for the application of holographic technology in testing field.

Keywords: measurement; hologram; nondestructive testing; vibration testing; application

2011, 37(1): 89-91,96  收稿日期: 2010-4-23;收到修改稿日期: 2010-7-11


作者简介: 陈璞(1975-),女,河南南阳市人,讲师,主要从事计量测试方面的教学工作。


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