
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于虚拟预测的线性组合预测模型


2233    2016-01-16



作者:张进, 李世平, 马超

作者单位:第二炮兵工程学院, 陕西西安 710025

关键词:计量检定; 标准; 虚拟预测; 组合预测; 调整优化; 模型参数



Linear combined forecasting model based on virtual forecasting

ZHANG Jin, LI Shi-ping, MA Chao

The Second Artillery Engineering College, Xi'an 710025, China

Abstract: In allusion to the worse of the precision after the using of the standard instrument and the influence of the various environments, the authors adopted the virtual forecasting theory, established combined forecasting model of the standard instrument, described the changing law of the precision of the standard instrument scientifically, and provided the theoretical basis for controlling the process for quality inspectability of the standard instrument.The virtual forecasting method adjusts and optimizes the parameters of forecasting model by utilizing the given data at short-term time.This method achieved the purpose of checking the accuracy of the model and reducing the real forecasting error, and advanced the forecasting precision.The conclusion showed that the virtual forecasting method had many advantage over the traditional fitting model, received the predictive effective.

Keywords: Metrological verification; Standards; Virtual forecasting; Combined forecasting; Adjustment and optimization; Model parameter

2009, 35(5): 38-40,47  收稿日期: 2009-3-25;收到修改稿日期: 2009-6-12


作者简介: 张进(1983-),男,硕士,专业方向为检测技术与自动化装置。


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