
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>CompactPCI总线开关模块的电路设计


2245    2016-01-16



作者:李艳, 陈波, 何丽, 朱先华, 金长林

作者单位:西南电子设备研究所, 四川成都 610036

关键词:自动测试系统; CompactPCI总线; 高频开关模块; 译码驱动电路; 可扩展性



Circuit design of CompactPCI bus switch module

LI Yan, CHEN Bo, HE Li, ZHU Xian-hua, JIN Chang-lin

Southwest China Research Institute of Electronic Equipment, Chengdu 610036, China

Abstract: For its strong compatibility and comprehensive function, CompactPCI bus has been accepted and widely used in the industrial automation and automation testing industry, but the imported CompactPCI bus switch module is very expensive, and its running and maintenance cost are expensive too. So it is important to design domestic CompactPCI bus switch module. One of such module has been designed using PCI9054 as bus bridge chip, FPGA and the large current Darlington transistor as decoding driver for the switch array. The developed module can be widely applied to the field of automation testing, and the generality and extendibility of its interface and driving circuits are very well so that they can be used as the basic circuit blocks of other CompactPCI bus modules.

Keywords: Automation testing system; CompactPCI bus; High frequency switch module; Decoding drive circuit; Extendibility

2009, 35(3): 48-51  收稿日期: 2008-9-27;收到修改稿日期: 2008-12-11


作者简介: 李艳(1973-),女,四川西充人,高级工程师,主要从事自动测试与故障诊断技术。


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