
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于C8051F020的心血管功能无创检测仪的研制


2383    2016-01-16



作者:朱星, 周建斌

作者单位:成都理工大学自动化工程学院, 四川成都 610059

关键词:心血管功能; 脉搏信号; 检测仪


为实现对心血管疾病的无创快速检测,设计了一种由计算机控制的心血管功能无创检测仪。系统采用了内置12-bit ADC的高性能C8051F020处理器对压力脉搏传感器采集脉搏信号,经过计算机软件对数据处理和分析实现对心血管功能无创的检测与评估。该检测仪体积小、无创、检测方便及操作简单的特点,不仅可适用于临床,更加适用于家庭使用。

Research of noninvasive cardiovascular function detecting instrument base on C8051F020

ZHU Xing, ZHOU Jian-bin

College of Automation Engineering, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China

Abstract: With improving of living standards, cardiovascular disease is threat to human health as one of major diseases. A type of computer-controlled instrument for cardiovascular function diagnosis and detect without suffering injuries was researched. C8051F020 with high performances and 12-bit ADC were designed to detect the pulse signal of the pressure pulse sensor. The measured data were processed and analyzed by computer software for non-invasively testing and evaluating cardiovascular functions. The system has a small size and is easy to non-invasively detect and operate. Thus, it can be used not only in the clinic, but also in families.

Keywords: Cardiovascular function; Pulse signal; Detecting instrument

2009, 35(3): 71-73  收稿日期: 2008-9-1;收到修改稿日期: 2008-11-23


作者简介: 朱星(1984-),男,湖南慈利人,硕士研究生,专业方向为嵌入式智能仪器设计与总线技术。


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