
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>塑钢门窗配件性能试验设备的研制


2315    2016-01-16




作者单位:瑞安市质量技术监督检测院, 浙江瑞安 325204

关键词:塑钢门窗配件; 执手; 半圆锁; 传动锁闭器; 性能试验; 设备; 研制



Performance test equipment research for plastic-steel door and window accessories

NI Qing-rong

Rui'an Institute of Testing for Quality and Technical Supervision, Rui'an 325204, China

Abstract: The performance test equipment for plastic-steel door and window accessories has been designed and developed to test the performance of these accessories. It strengthened the ability to detect the performance of plastic-steel door and window accessories and reached the requirements of metrology and laboratory accreditation. This equipment was designed mainly according to the standard demands of plastic-steel door and window accessories in the architecture field. The experimental principle was anlayzed based on the experimental method provided in standard, then processed and assembled the accessories of the test equipment. The design of counter display was added to the design of the circuit. The test function would stop automatically if the prescriptive count reached. The experiments show that the test equipment has a steady performance and is easy to operate, which meets the demands provided in standard completely. This equipment, which has been used in the test of plastic-steel doors and windows and has passed metrology certification and national laboratory accreditation successively.

Keywords: Plastic-steel door and window accessories; Handle; Driving gear; Woodruff lock; Performance test; Equipment; Manufacture

2009, 35(3): 78-80  收稿日期: 2008-9-3;收到修改稿日期: 2008-11-12


作者简介: 倪庆荣(1978-),男,助理工程师,主要从事产品质检工作。


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