
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>微波消解-FAAS测定广州海域沉积物中的铜和铬


2219    2016-01-16



作者:张勇, 陈俊, 冯佳和

作者单位:广州市海洋与渔业环境监测中心, 广东广州 510235

关键词:微波消解; 火焰原子吸收光谱法; 沉积物; 铜; 铬



Determination of Cu and Cr in coastal sediment of guangzhou by FAAS with microwave digestion

ZHANG Yong, CHEN Jun, FENG Jia-he

Guangzhou Center of Marine and Fishery Environmental Monitoring, Guangzhou 510235, China

Abstract: The traditional wet marine sediment digestion is time-consuming, laborious and bringing harmful gases. In determination of Cu and Cr in coastal sediment of Guangzhou, the pretreatment method was the microwave digestion, and Cu and Cr were tested by FAAS. The difference of analytical results and reference value was studied. The results show that there is no evident difference when the sample is degested with HNO3 or HNO3+HClO4, the detection limit of Cu and Cr are 0.43×10-6 and 1.49×10-6 respectively, and the precision and accuracy are reliable. Besides, this method is also considered with the advantages of rapid, reagent-saving and sample-protecting.

Keywords: Microwave digestion; FASS; Sediment; Cu; Cr

2009, 35(2): 90-92  收稿日期: 2008-7-10;收到修改稿日期: 2008-9-17


作者简介: 张勇(1974-),男,湖南湘阴人,工程师,硕士研究生,主要从事海洋环境保护与监测工作。


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