
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>汽车弹簧缸的密封性仿真与测试研究


3647    2016-08-19




作者单位:杭州职业技术学院信息工程学院, 浙江 杭州 310018



由于汽车弹簧缸长期制动造成的气密性衰减,很难动态分析不同摩擦系数的密封圈对腔压泄露的影响。因此,该文利用双参数Mooney-Rivlin分析法,建立汽车弹簧缸的腔体密封性失效模型。该模型能根据密封圈的摩擦系数,动态计算出弹簧缸的气体泄漏量,通过腔压和泄漏量的比较,判断出密封圈是否失效。利用汽车弹簧缸气密性检测仪对某型弹簧缸进行测试,实验结果表明,当摩擦系数0.1时,密封圈应力分布最佳,腔体泄漏量5 kPa;当摩擦系数0.1时,密封圈应力集中而产生气密性失效,腔体泄漏量超过5 kPa。失效模型的仿真结果与试验结果相同,该失效模型正确有效。

Numerical simulation on sealing test model of brake chamber

WU Hongmei

College of Information Engineering, Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College, Hangzhou 310018, China

Abstract: Due to the attenuation of air impermeability, the gas leakiness of a brake chamber cannot be dynamically analyzed by its friction coefficient. Therefore, a sealing model of brake chamber is proposed based on the double parameters Mooney-Rivlin algorithm and the Von-Mises stress distribute model. The leakage rate, solved by this sealing model under different friction coefficient, is used for evaluating sealing failure of brake chamber. Besides, the sealing performance of a brake chamber is detected by a sealing tester of brake chamber to verify this sealing model. The experimental result shows that the leakage is less than 5 kPa when μ≤0.1 and the stress distribution of the seal ring is optimal. However, the leakage is greater than 5 kPa when μ>0.1 by reason of the seal ring failure. It indicates that the sealing model of brake chamber is valid.

Keywords: brake chamber;sealing test;failure model;finite element simulation analysis;fatigue test

2016, 42(7): 141-144  收稿日期: 2016-1-16;收到修改稿日期: 2016-2-12


作者简介: 吴红梅(1981-),女,浙江金华市人,讲师,硕士,研究方向为机电工程、应用电子技术。


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