
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>多孔干燥剂除湿性能实验研究


2913    2015-12-10



作者:牛永红, 郭宁, 李莹, 顾洁

作者单位:内蒙古科技大学能源与环境学院, 内蒙 古包头 014010



通过实验对自行研制的活性氧化铝和沸石分子筛进行除湿性能研究。结果表明,自制的两种干燥剂的除湿过程可以分为高效除湿和稳定除湿两个阶段。当处理空气流量为56.5 m3/h,温度27℃,含湿量23.5 g/kg条件下,在初始阶段的800 s时间内沸石分子筛的除湿速率比活性氧化铝快,吸附效果好,但释放的吸附热也较高;在稳定除湿阶段,活性氧化铝的除湿量明显增加,约为沸石分子筛除湿量的3.4倍,说明活性氧化铝对空气的稳定除湿效果更好。

Experiment study on dehumidification performance of porous desiccant

NIU Yonghong, GUO Ning, LI Ying, GU Jie

School of Energy And Environment, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China

Abstract: The paper is related to the experimental study on humidity-removing performance of synthesized activated alumina and zeolite. The dehumidification process can be divided into two stages:efficient dehumanization and stable dehumidification. The experimental results show that, when the air flow for processing is 56.5 m3/h, the air temperature is 27℃ and the moisture content is 23.5 g/kg, the dehumidification rate of the zeolite molecular sieve is faster than that of the activated aluminum oxide within 800s in the initial stage. The humidity is quickly absorbed but large amounts of heat are released. However, in the stable adsorption stage, the dehumidification capacity of the activated alumina is 3.4 times of the zeolite. Therefore, under the experimental conditions mentioned above, the activated alumina is more suitable for desiccant systems.

Keywords: performance of dehumidification;adsorption;activated alumina;zeolite

2015, 41(11): 110-113  收稿日期: 2015-02-26;收到修改稿日期: 2015-03-27

基金项目: 内蒙古自治区2014年研究生科研创新资助项目;(S20141012703);内蒙古科技大学实验室建设资助项目(201203)

作者简介: 牛永红(1977-),男,内蒙古包头市人,副教授,主要从事暖通空调节能和生物质能高效清洁利用方面的研究。


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