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3594    2015-06-02



作者:王星, 潘义, 张鹏辉, 杨嘉伟

作者单位:中国测试技术研究院, 四川 成都 610021




Development of reference materials of viscosity

WANG Xing, PAN Yi, ZHANG Penghui, YANG Jiawei

National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu 610021, China

Abstract: In order to meet the requirements of measuring instruments for liquid viscosity in traceability and quality control for viscosity reference materials, series of viscosity reference materials with different levels of viscosity were developed. The liquidity, viscosity, rate of viscosity-temperature change and surface tension of viscosity reference materials were tested by HAAKE MARS, standard viscosimeters and benchmark thermostatic bath using the methylsilicone oiles as raw materials. In addition, the homogeneity, stability and uncertainty were also investigated and evaluated respectively. The results indicated that these viscosity reference materials bearing excellent homogeneity and stability could be stored for one year at (20±5)℃ with the uncertainty of 0.24%~0.61%(k=2). Compared with the national primary reference materials of viscosity, the results of characteristic values were verified and reached the qualifications of national secondary reference materials. These reference materials can be used in the validation of methods and quality control of results in the process of testing vicosity.

Keywords: reference material;methylsilicone oil;viscosity;uncertainty

2015, 41(5): 5-8,20  收稿日期: 2014-12-20;收到修改稿日期: 2015-1-29


作者简介: 王星(1980-),男,四川凉山州人,博士,主要从事标准物质的研制和分析测试工作。


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