
首页> 数字期刊群 >本期导读>激光粒度仪测试城市开放源颗粒物的关键参数优化研究


551    2023-01-05



作者:朱丽, 范晶, 张桂芹, 魏小峰, 孙友敏

作者单位:山东建筑大学市政与环境工程学院,山东 济南 250101



为优化激光粒度仪湿法测试城市不同类型扬尘的最佳参数范围,以四种城市典型开放源颗粒物为实验样品,采用bettersize2600激光粒度仪进行湿法实验,通过设定不同进样量、对比粗颗粒筛除前后的重复性等条件,确定和优化关键参数,结果表明遮光率与样品粒径大小和均匀性关系密切,对于以细颗粒物为主的开放源粉尘,测量时遮光率控制在20%~30%,进样量可控制在0.2~0.3 g;对于开放源粉尘粗颗粒占比较大且不均匀的情况,遮光率范围应收缩,合适范围在10%~20%,进样量可控制在0.3~0.6 g。如果颗粒物极不均匀,且粒径范围较大、存在粒径超过1000 μm的粗颗粒物时,应预先过一定目数的标准筛,以筛下颗粒物进行测定。

Research on the key parameters optimization of laser particle size analyzer for measuring urban open-source particulate matter
ZHU Li, FAN Jing, ZHANG Guiqin, WEI Xiaofeng, SUN Youmin
School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China
Abstract: In order to optimize the best parameter range of the laser particle size analyzer for wet testing of different types of dust in cities, four typical open source particulate matter in cities were used as experimental samples, and the bettersize 2600 laser particle size analyzer was used for wet experiments. Conditions such as repeatability before and after particle screening were determined and optimized. The results showed that the shading rate was closely related to the particle size and uniformity of the sample. For open source dust mainly fine particles, the shading rate was controlled at 20%-30% during measurement, the injection volume was controlled within 0.2-0.3 g; for the large and uneven open source dust particles, the shading rate range should be reduced, and the appropriate range was 10%-20%, and the injection volume was controlled in 0.3-0.6 g. If the particles were extremely non-uniform, and the particle size range was large, and there were coarse particles with a particle size of more than 1000 μm, they should be passed through a standard sieve of a certain mesh in advance to determine the particles under the sieve.
Keywords: laser particle size analyzer;open source particles;particle size distribution;shading rate
2022, 48(12):67-73  收稿日期: 2021-06-09;收到修改稿日期: 2021-07-21
基金项目: 济南市政府大气来源解析采购项目(402015202000024-001);山东省教育厅研究生教育质量提升计划资助项 (YZKC201612);山东建筑大学校级精品课程项目(xzlgc1702006, xzlgc162218)
作者简介: 朱丽(1971-),女,辽宁锦州市人,副教授,博士,研究方向为环境监测与评价、大气污染控制理论与技术
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