
首页> 数字期刊群 >本期导读>定容积多通道充气系统的仿真与设计


2503    2017-03-09



作者:黄雪琴1, 范伟军1, 郭斌1, 赵静2

作者单位:1. 中国计量大学计量测试工程学院, 浙江 杭州 310018;
2. 杭州沃镭智能科技股份有限公司, 浙江 杭州 310018




Simulation and design on specified-volume multi-channel inflation system

HUANG Xueqin1, FAN Weijun1, GUO Bin1, ZHAO Jing2

1. College of Metrology Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China;
2. Hangzhou Wolei Intelligent Tech Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310018, China

Abstract: In view of low control accuracy and slow inflation velocity generally seen in traditional constant pressure air supply system, an inflation system respectively controlled with electrical proportional valve and solenoid valve based on PID algorithm is designed and built in compound mode with large and small diameter channels for air inflation experiment on specified-volume vessel. The system employs high-speed data acquisition card on the basis of LabVIEW software to analyze the experimental data. On the strength of the flow characteristics of pneumatic system, the mathematical models for air inflation time and tube diameter and length of single-channel, dual-channel and three-channel inflatable device are established in respective. According to Matlab simulating curve, for the specified-volume vessel, the shorter length of air inflation tube and the bigger the tube diameter, more tubes need to be paralleled with shorter time for air inflation; the higher the target inflation pressure, more effect from the length of tube will be imposed on the air inflation time. The experimental results have verified the correctness of the simulation model and that multi-channel inflation system helps to shorten air inflation time and improve accuracy.

Keywords: Matlab simulation;multi-channel inflation;specified-volume vessel;PID

2017, 43(2): 82-86,92  收稿日期: 2016-06-09;收到修改稿日期: 2016-07-11

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51405463);浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划项目(2014C31105)

作者简介: 黄雪琴(1991-),女,浙江温州市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为精密仪器及机械。


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